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Easy Plant-based Cuisine

Embark on a flavourful journey

Writer's pictureEvelin Bandeira

Understanding Weight Loss Series: Slow and Steady x Fast and Furious - Part 2

Welcome to the Understanding Weight Loss series where we'll show you the science behind loosing weight, how you can navigate this journey easier and how to avoid the many traps this path will present along the way. This is Part 2!

weight loss series 2

Yes, I know the allure of quick fixes and rapid weight loss can be strong, but trust me, slow and steady really does win this race and in this article, you'll understand why it's not only safer and healthier, but also with long-lasting results. Let’s dive into why taking your time to lose weight is the best approach for your long-term health.

Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

When you lose weight gradually, you have more time to develop healthy habits that stick. Quick weight loss diets often involve extreme restrictions that not only are tough to maintain, they're not supposed to be maintained. You have to understand that creating a new habit takes time, and it's not easy either. That's why slow weight loss allows you to make manageable changes to your diet and exercise routine, leading to lasting results​, because instead of changing all at once, you do little changes over time that in the end, will have transformed you.

Preserves Muscle Mass

YOU DO NOT WANT TO LOSE MUSCLE MASS! - make this your mantra. Here's the deal: rapid weight loss often results in the loss of muscle mass along with fat. But get this: maintaining, and even gaining, muscle is crucial because it helps keep your metabolism active. Muscles burn calories - and they burn a lot of them. Slow weight loss, paired with strength training, helps you lose fat while preserving muscle​.

One note: when you lose muscle mass, your body doesn't think of which muscle is going to lose first. And many times, you lose muscle mass in critical places such as the heart - and that's very dangerous!

Reduces Risk of Nutrient Deficiencies

Crash diets can deprive your body of essential nutrients, leading to deficiencies that can affect your overall health. When you do it slowly, you can ensure you're getting a balanced diet that includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Better for Your Metabolism

Extreme calorie restriction can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to maintain weight loss in the long run. Gradual weight loss helps keep your metabolism stable, making it easier to keep the weight off once you’ve lost it​.

In a following article of this series, we'll show you the science behind losing weight so you'll be able to understand even better how our brain works and why many people lose 1 pound and gain 3 right after.

Improves Mental Health

The stress of rapid weight loss can take a toll on your mental health, leading to feelings of frustration and deprivation which can make you want to eat compulsively. Slow weight loss is more manageable and less stressful, helping you stay positive and motivated throughout your journey.

Rapid weight loss can be tempting, but it often comes with drawbacks and hopefully, in the next articles, you'll understand even more after learning the science behind losing weight. But for now, I have some tips for your journey:

- Set Realistic Goals: aim for 500 gr - 1 kg per week.

- Balanced Diet: focus on whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. And yes: avoid fried, processed and too much artificial sugar.

- Regular Exercise: incorporate both cardio and strength training into your routine.

- Stay Hydrated: drink plenty of water to support your metabolism and overall health.

- Get Enough Sleep: quality sleep is essential for weight management and overall well-being. This should be a priority for you in this journey.

As the Understanding Weight Loss series continues, more and more information will reach you to guide you in this journey. But don't forget: consulting a physician and a registered dietitian is highly recommended. Subscribe to our list to don't miss any article!


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